Radical Efficiency, LLC
2021, Jul - Named as a Fellow at the Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity at SMU (link)
2017 - Received the Sustainability Commendation from AIA Dallas
2013 - Named to the Dallas Business Journal Who's Who in Energy list
2011, September – Named one of 20 Senior Fellows for the US State Department’s Energy & Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA Profile Westbrook)
2009 - North Texas Municipal Water District’s first and only Water Genius Award Winner
2008 - Fairview Citizen of the Year
2006, May – Cover and feature story in the inaugural edition of Dallas CEO – Article from Dallas CEO publication
2006, January – RFAB featured in a New York Times Column: A Green Dream in Texas – Thomas Friedman
1996 - NAHB Energy Value Housing Award for Innovative Design
Point 380 article on RFAB
Blog article on RFAB
"Paul was introduced to me several months ago by his colleague from Texas Instruments, Gail Chandler, who serves on the Chamber's Board and Executive Committee. It was apparent from the beginning of our meeting that Paul is one of the leading experts in energy solutions at the industrial level, and he was able to make more than one dozen recommendations on a much smaller scale to the Chamber as we work towards a major remodeling of our office building. While I would have been content with the notes I took during the meeting, Paul followed up our visit with a comprehensive email just days later that included links to articles and products along with follow-ups on additional ideas that he had considered after our initial get together. The Chamber has benefited greatly from Paul's expertise, just as I am certain all who know him have across the span of his career at TI and in advising the U.S. and foreign nations on matters pertaining to efficiency."
Bruce Bradford President & CEO: North Dallas Chamber of Commerce
2023, Apr - Guest lecture at SMU Sustainability class
2023, Apr - Taught Managing Solar Gain for online course
2023, Apr - Taught Passive House Design for online course
2022, May - Led a breakout session at SMU for the Hunt Institute Impact Nights
2022, Jan - Advised Dallas College on solar strategy
2021, Oct - Virtual Solar Home Tour
2021, Sep - Dallas College presentation on Net Zero Energy Buildings
2021, Jul - Named as a Fellow at the Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity at SMU (link)
2021, Jun - Featured in an article on solar power for homes in Waxahachie360.
2021, Mar - Gave presentation on Resilience in Extreme Weather at the NTREG meeting. pdf link
2021, Jan & Apr - Taught an online Passive House course for Half Moon Education
2020, Oct - Taught "Introduction to Solar Electricity" class for Dallas College (online). pdf link
2020 Oct - Held solar home tour virtually with online Q&A sessions.
Videos on YouTube
2020, May - Guest speaker at the North Texas Renewable Energy Group (NTREG) meeting. Topic: Ground Source Heat Pumps - Link
"Paul, that was the most articulate, clearest presentation on geo I’ve ever heard. It was truly well prepared and presented! I wasn’t exaggerating. I’ve been to the IGSHPA, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, and ASHRAE and heard a lot of geo presentations. You hit a very good balance between tech and practical explaination. It was very nicely done."
"I have attended different technical conferences where Paul has given presentations and he is always a cut above everyone else in terms of his approach to breaking down concepts and take home messages, that even non-technical folks can stay engaged and learn from his tutorials."
2020, Mar - Panelist for the North Texas Climate Change Symposium
2020, Feb - Guest speaker at the IEEE Consultants Network meeting in Dallas
2020, Jan - Presentation on the History of Sustainability at Texas Instruments
2019, Nov - Guest speaker at Mensa convention in Dallas
2019, Jun - Taught Passive Solar House design course in Arlington, TX
2019, Apr - Guest lecture on energy efficiency at Prince of Peace High School
2019, multiple - Served on the Advisory Committee for the city of Dallas Climate Action Plan
2019, multiple - Board member for an eco village in Tanzania
2018, Nov - Moderate a building panel at the North Texas Renewable Energy
Group (NTREG) meeting
2018, Oct - Lead a design charrette for a 2 million square foot semiconductor fab design in Taiwan
2018, Mar – Gave a presentation on Climate Change at the North Texas Climate Change Symposium
2018, Mar – Guest lecturer at the SMU Master’s of Sustainability course
2017, May – Taught Net Zero Energy and Water at the Building Professional Institute (BPI) conference at the University of Texas Arlington – Presentation Link
2017, Mar – Received the Sustainability Commendation from AIA Dallas
2017, Mar – Presented at the SPECS retail conference in Orlando, FL – Radical Efficiency
2016, Oct – Presented at the Sierra Club Earth, Wind, and Fire conference – Integrated Design – The Key to Efficiency
2016, Jun – Presented three topics at the AIA Dallas Getting to Zero series – Monetizing Energy Efficiency, Building Code Outlook, and Employee Engagement
2016, Apr – Moderated a panel on clean energy policy at Earth Day Texas
2016, Apr – Guest lectured at Yavapai College in Prescott, AZ
2016, Apr – Presented at the AIA Dallas – Getting to Zero series – Integrated Design
2016, Mar – Gave a TEDxSMU talk on “Redefining the Smart Home"
2015, Nov – Taught at SMU Masters of Sustainability course.
2015, Aug – Featured in the external TI Engineer to Engineer blog.
2015, Jul – Presented at the North Texas Association of Energy Engineers (NTAEE) monthly meeting. Presentation link
2015, May – Taught sustainability and integrated design to a group of college professors from south and central Texas schools. Organized through Texas State University in San Marcos, TX
2015, Apr – Presented at the AiChE Spring Meeting in Austin, TX
2015, Mar – Presented at the Energy Thought Summit (ETS) in Austin, TX
2015, Feb – Guest speaker at the ASME North Texas Section meeting
2014, Nov – Taught at SMU Masters of Sustainability course.
2014, Nov – Lunchtime speaker at the Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency (CATEE) Conference in Dallas.
2014, Sep – Accepted an award for TI from the Department of Energy for meeting our 2020 energy intensity goal 7 years early.
2014, Mar – Participated on a Sustainable Business panel at the request of UNT for The Southwest Academy of Management conference in Dallas
2014, Mar – Presented at the inaugural Energy Thought Summit (ETS) in Austin, TX
2013, Dec – Named to the Who’s Who in Energy List by the Dallas Business Journal.
2013, Nov – Texas Architects Convention, Fort Worth, TX. Gave presentation on integrated design.
2013, Nov – ECPA Colombia. Returned to Colombia to focus on renewable energy . Visited several ECPA training centers. Visited a small remote community and discussed solar water pumping to replace the hand carrying from the river. Led a two day training session on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and project management for 23 SENA leaders from across the country.
2013, July – ECPA Colombia. Met with the National Planning Department, the Ministry of Housing, and the Ministry of Energy about policy and planning for improving energy and resource efficiency to combat climate change effects, some of which are already occurring. Met with professors at a university in Bogota and spoke at a conference on climate change mitigation.
2013, January – Speaker at the GRI Training Course in Dallas
2012, November – ECPA Peru. Met with the Minister of Energy and the Minister of the Environment to discuss policy and programs to support energy and resource efficiency.
2012, October – Taught at SMU Masters of Sustainability course.
2012, September – Singapore Presentation. Attended the National Efficiency Conference and gave two presentations: one on integrated design and the other about the TI RFAB Facility.
2012, September – Presented at the USGBC North Texas forum.
2012, July – ECPA Bolivia. Visited with government officials in LaPaz and discussed policy improvements to support efficiency and renewable energy sources. Worked with the local Green Building Council in Santa Cruz and presented at a large conference attended by many design/construction industry professionals and students.
2012, May – ECPA trip to Honduras. Worked with the local Green Building Council, visited large architecture and engineering firms, and guest-lectured in several universities. Subjects were energy and resource efficiency and integrated building design.
2011, November – Speaker at the Xyntéo Global Leadership and Technology Exchange (GLTE) forum in San Francisco, California.
2011, September – Named one of 20 Senior Fellows for the US State Department’s Energy & Climate Partnership of the Americas ECPA_bio_Westbrook
2011, August – Energy Champion Workshop at TI.
2011, July – Taught energy and sustainability at the Dallas Museum of Nature & Science Discovery Corps.
2011, April– Guest speaker at the Dallas County Community College’s District Sustainability Summit
2010–2013 – Performed energy assessments at seven large TI manufacturing facilities.
2011, January – Toured the Dallas Morning News editorial board and several reporters through RFAB.2010, November – Assisted a graduate student at Columbia University who is working to establish an energy management program for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
2010, November – Met with three Singapore Economic Development board members.
2010, October – Presented “Silicon in Solar & Electronics” at the Energy Expo 2010.
2010, August – Attended a meeting in Austin with TI, Texas Association of Manufacturers, Sierra Club, EDF, Public Citizen, SEED, and TREIA to find common ground for upcoming legislation on support for non-wind renewables in Texas.
2010, August – Guest speaker at the Dallas Chamber of Commerce Sustainable Technologies committee meeting.
2010, July – Guest speaker at the Discovery Corps at the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science.
2010, June – Met with Singapore Economic Development Board representative to discuss sustainability.
2010, May – Spoke at the Sustainable Operations Summit in San Antonio along with President Clinton.
2010, April– Held Earth Day forum with guests Tom “Smitty” Smith and Garrett Boone (founder of the Container Store).
2010, March – Guest lectured at SMU for an Energy and the Environment course.
2010, February – Toured the TI Board of Directors through RFAB and highlighted sustainable features.
2010, February – Met with Texas State Senator Kirk Watson to discuss state energy policy.
2009, November – I was announced at GreenBuild as the first recipient of a national Sustainable Practices Award. The award is for advancing sustainability at home, at work, and in the community.
2009, October – Did a presentation and assisted with TI product demos and recruiting at the Solar Decathlon in Washington D.C. The University of Illinois team (which I advised on behalf of TI) took second place overall and had the only perfect score for water heating.
2009, October – Represented TI on a corporate panel for Reinventing Fire, hosted by the Rocky Mountain Institute.
2009, September – Selected as the North Texas Municipal Water District’s first Water Genius Award Winner for my decades of water conservation efforts.
2009, September – Gave the keynote speech at the Live Green Awards in Plano.
2009, September – My Op-Ed piece for the Solar Decathlon was picked up by several outlets, including Electronics Advocate and the Austin American-Statesman. Abbreviated version ran in the Dallas Morning News.
2009, July – TI is featured, and I am quoted on the back cover, in the just released book “The Green Workplace” by Leigh Stringer, Vice President of HOK.
2009, June – Guest lecturer for the SMU Engineering Master’s program in Sustainability.
2009, May – Presented at the North Texas Municipal Energy Management Systems class, which helps local governments implement energy efficiency in facilities.
2009, April – Served on a panel for the Plano Live Green Expo with TV environmental evangelist Ed Begley Jr.
2009, April– Guest speaker for the CREATE Executive Dinner at Arizona State University,
2009, April – Guest lecturer at SMU’s Environment and Technology, Ecology, and Ethics course.
2009, March – Taught an Environmental Leadership session at the Women’s Museum for about 60 girls (6th grade) from the DISD Irma Rangel Leadership Academy.
2008, December – Accepted the award for TI from the Clean Air through Energy Efficiency conference; Judge Margaret Keliher presented TI the commercial/industrial award.
2008, November – My energy blog (TInergy) cited favorably in a story on a ZDNET.2008, October – Spoke at the MexEEdev conference in Guadalajara.
2008, October – Spoke at the Energy Star Industries in Focus Forum and attended the World Energy Engineering Conference in D.C
2008, September – Guest lecturer for the SMU Engineering Leaders Masters program in Sustainability
2008, September – Held two “green” workshops for Harvesting Partnerships forum in September (Women’s Business Council workshop supported by TI).
2008, July – Toured the CEO and staff of Bright Automotive through RFAB.
2008, August – Toured College of Engineering Assistant Dean, Site Facilities Manager, and campus architect from the University of New Mexico campus as they are striving to be carbon-neutral.
2008, June – Toured about 50 high school girls from Plano ISD’s Physics Summer Camp through RFAB.
2008, April – Interviewed by Tom Friedman for his new book `Hot, Flat and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution. Why America Needs To Lead It.” TI is highlighted in Chapter 12, “The Naked Gun 2½ Rule: If It Isn’t Boring, It Isn’t Green.”
2008, March – Gave sustainability presentation to the TSPE student chapter at SMU.
2008, February – Participated in a large computer services company data center charrette that led to one of the world’s most efficient data centers.
2008, February – Guest lecturer at the University of Texas Global Environment and Energy course
2008, January – Represented TI on a Climate Change forum at Richland College.
2007, November – Toured the Climate Savers Computing Initiative Board and a large computer services organization board of directors through RFAB.
2007, November – Quoted in a Wall Street Journal story about green building; handled about a dozen spin-off inquiries that week.
2007, November – Participated in a work session to develop a Sustainable Certificate Program and Master’s Program at SMU.
2007, October – Gave ISSM Keynote speech in Santa Clara.
2007, October – Gave a presentation at the Solar Decathlon in Washington DC and did a number of media interviews before, during, and after the trip: Wall Street Journal Online; Forbes; CNN Money; Washington Times; Fast Company; Associated Press.
2007, August – Presented and served on a panel at a UT sponsored sustainability session in Austin.
2007, May – Interview by Popular Science about RFAB and green semiconductor manufacturing.
2007, April– Gave Plenary Session address at the Engineering Sustainability Conference in Pittsburgh.
2007, January – Presented at the National ASHRAE Conference in Dallas and hosted a tour for ASHRAE participants.
2006, October 9 – Newsday editorial cites TI’s RFAB as a good example of “green” building principles that save both energy and costs: “Building ‘green’ holds the key; Wise use of energy-efficient technology can solve many of our power needs, make environment cleaner.”
2006, July – Invited by Amory Lovins to speak at the Aspen Institute as part of a Rocky Mountain Institute lecture series.
2006, June – RFAB appears in Friedman documentary “Addicted to Oil.”
2006, May – Guest on WBAP radio’s “The Energy Show.”
2006, May – Cover and feature story in the inaugural edition of Dallas CEO – Article from Dallas CEO publication
2006, March – RFAB featured in Mechanical Engineering Magazine, “Efficiency Is Its Own Reward.”
2006, March – New Texas Instruments Plant Touted as a Model in Energy Efficiency, http://www.greenbiz.com/news/2006/03/09/new-texas-instruments-plant-touted-model-energy-efficiency
2006, March – Keynote speaker at the Government Services Administration annual conference in Kansas City, MO. with Bill Browning
2006, March – Westbrook invited to Washington DC to address (5) US Senators on green building and sustainability – Sen. Clinton (NY), Nelson (NE), Cantwell (WA) , Bingaman (NM), and Salazar (CO).
2006, February – Editorial in D Magazine – “Texas Instruments is way ahead of the rest of us”
2006, January – RFAB featured in a New York Times Column: A Green Dream in Texas – Thomas Friedman
2005, October – ISMI Symposium on Manufacturing Effectiveness. Westbrook presented “Sustainable Fabs: LEED, Follow, or Get Out of the Way."
2005, September – RFAB presented with the Summit Award for Environmental Leadership – LEEDS School of Business at the University of Colorado in Boulder
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